#standardshift <@mtheis> texas has 5 seasons <@mtheis> spring, summer, hell, fall, winter #standardshift < Leedeth> nom nom nom -!- Leedeth [~Anon@S0106001b112644d3.gv.shawcable.net] has quit [Ping timeout] < comingbackdown> I think Lee just nommed his modem. #standardshift < alfachild> That was chrome < alfachild> I tried to install it < alfachild> "Extensions are not supported in your version of chrome" < alfachild> *Downloads beta* < alfachild> "etentions are not supported in your version of chrome" < alfachild> *Opens Intenet Explorer #standardshift < Leedeth> nom nom nom -!- Leedeth [~Anon@S0106001b112644d3.gv.shawcable.net] has quit [Ping timeout] < comingbackdown> I think Lee just nommed his modem. #standardshift < alfachild> That was chrome < alfachild> I tried to install it < alfachild> "Extensions are not supported in your version of chrome" < alfachild> *Downloads beta* < alfachild> "etentions are not supported in your version of chrome" < alfachild> *Opens Intenet Explorer <@bouzo> i ran my own pr0n bbs at 13 ;P <@osi> bouzo i ran my own porn bbs at 12-13 too <@osi> were teh same <@bouzo> osi: you bastard ;] following in my footsteps without copyright * Roland` (Roland@me-kennebunk1f-10.knbnme.adelphia.net) has joined #UrbanExploration hey Hello. so, you the guys who liek take photos of abandoned malls and shit? And shit, yes. * Ben3d3tta (Benedetta@ppp-62-11-128-46.dialup.tiscali.it) has joined #english hiiiiiii peopleeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D * sets sets mode: +v Ben3d3tta <+Ben3d3tta> Thanx x il +v sets! why do all macaronis have that exact same script? <+Alvari> They suck. they've never sucked me! <+Alvari> Your turn will come, I promise! * X_Nia (d5fa09f9@webchat.xs4all.nl) has joined #english Does anyone here speak english <@bouzo> i always thought turkish sounded somewhat like klingon, from startrek <+CmDr_Sm> some of them look like klingons too <+CmDr_Sm> but some dutch people too <@bouzo> CmDr_Sm : yea.. the dutch look more like vulcans though :] <+CmDr_Sm> you look like a borg ;) <+CmDr_Sm> bouzo from borg <+tasha`> english is gone <@NETKOJI> boooooooooo <+tasha`> blame it on those fluckers that took over the chan :P <@NETKOJI> oh, The Fluckers who took over the chan.. I Blame You! <@NETKOJI> blame, blame, blame! <+ace`r`us> arrrr! <+ace`r`us> I'm a pirate! * +Trips_ puts a saw to ace's pegleg :) <@raatoh> arrr! and a bottle of rum. * +ace`r`us threatens Trips_ with his dreaded HOOK * +Trips_ pokes ace in his one good eye * +ace`r`us fires 30 cannons at Trips_ * +Trips_ isn't worried... any man with one eye ain't got great distance/accuracy ;) <+ace`r`us> but my crew has <+ace`r`us> HARRR <+Trips_> oh shit * +ace`r`us watches trips being turned into bowling gear * +Trips_ thinks it might be too late to duck * +Trips_ runs the white flag * @bouzo starts up a browser * @bouzo waits 20 minutes <@bouzo> running redhat 8 on a 233mhz is like nismo's toiletry habbits <@nismo> fast and efficent? <@bouzo> dirty <@nismo> Im like the SAS storming the iranian embassy <@nismo> in and out in three minutes <@nismo> job done <+ATmaCA20> 4[ 2Voice (+) i¢in Te$ekkûrler - 13sets - 4] 6[ 12viva Script 4« TR » 6] * la_Morte (Medallion@host18-119.pool80182.interbusiness.it) has joined #english ello * sets sets mode: +v la_Morte <+la_Morte> who is f? <@todd> [18:07.21] [IRCNet] *** f ~praylor@ <@todd> [18:07.21] [IRCNet] *** ircname : Part prison, part home. <@todd> [18:07.21] [IRCNet] *** channels : +#alphabet @#alltimehigh <@nismo> wanker <@bouzo> what! you callin ME a wanker? <@nismo> until geddy comes home <@nismo> theres only you and lady palm * tdd6 (~tdd@3ffe:80ee:20a3:dead:dead:dead:dead:dead) has joined #english * dyn` sets mode: +b tdd6!*tdd@3ffe:80ee:20a3:dead:dead:dead:dead:dead * tdd6 was kicked by mode (Banned) <@nismo> hihi <@nismo> I give him <@nismo> 9.7 for artistic performance <@nismo> I drove a truck a couple of times <@nismo> VROOM VROOM! <@nismo> I reveresed it into a loading bay <@nismo> very gently <@nismo> VROOM VROOM! <@nismo> *beep!* *beep!* *beep!* *beep!* <+nb5> Special-effect-day. :) <@nismo> futooooooooooooooosh! <@nismo> futooooooooooooooosh! <@nismo> airbrakes <@nismo> there was rubber bumpers on this <@nismo> *bump!* <+balu`> are there any hungarian guy? <@nismo> balu: Im not hungarian but I'll fuck anything that moves <@nismo> why would a finnish person learn german? <@nismo> teinifrau? <@dyn> ich habe keine anung, nis <@nismo> der braun eingang ist verboten herr dyn <@nismo> achtung baby <@nismo> der hund ist nicht verboten During italian invasion <+Kanius> clones... <+bONe`> lets ban;> <@Kreon> hell yeah 7.12.2003: * Now talking in #english * Topic is 'The b'day is over, Finland has a hangover :> www.3nglish.co.uk' <@Meph|sto^> i have russian clone of Pentax cam <@Meph|sto^> old one <@Meph|sto^> very old <@bouzo> does it need petrol? ;] <+Arbou> my left foot feels kinda funny <+Arbou> iskias in finnish <@dudee> sounds nasty <@dudee> and homosexual <+Arbou> feels too <+altan> 4sets: 6Allah Tuttugunu Altin etsin Emii.. 12Voice(+v) için 4altan 12teşekkür eder :o) 11,11 12,12 4,4 0,2 KELEBEK 11,2ScripT 11,11 12,12 4,4 <@bouzo> brb tash, trp, teeb and todd (sounds like the teletubbies) <@chaninfo> Timeslave hasn't uttered a word since I joined #english 1 day, 26 minutes ago. <@t-bo`> chaninfo you left the channel?!!? tut tu * @t-bo` spanks chaninfo * Oauaor is aiming at the right shoulder of his teacher and preparing for pulling the trigger of his brand new rifle... * @Trips_ slaps oauaor for being daft... teacher shooting season ended in September silly! You'll get fined if you kill one now! <+NewOne> !stats <@chaninfo> try using !stat ... Duhh ! <+NewOne> !stat .. <+NewOne> chaninfo: Are you broken? <+nismo> its a #prodigy legend <+nismo> that I get drunk on NYE <+nismo> and ring up finnish people <+nismo> (who are always in bed at 1am) <+nismo> and shout finnish swearwords at them <+osi> got my driver's license etc <+osi> now i can drink AND drive <@dyn> and i'm going to england soon :> <@Kreon> did I already ask why you're going there? :) <@todd> he's being expelled from finland <@todd> he did some really naughty things <@dyn> hehe, yep <@dyn> with the minister of justice <@dyn> the govenrment didn't like it <@dyn> especially not the pics <@todd> let's just say he was caught redhanded in deep shit why is everybody _wondering_ all the time, my highligth is beeping all the time... * @tasha` wonders alot <@nismo-> 7210 is a girls phone <@nismo-> just looks girly <@nismo-> girly colour <@nismo-> girly key layout <@nismo-> even the back looks like a girls phone <@todd> fits nismo's hand perfectly.. <@nismo-> todd: like your cock <@nismo-> small and compact <@todd> nismo-: did you sneak down in your granny's second living room?! <@todd> cause i remember some movement * Sushie (Sushy@p50879D49.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #english <@dyn> now wait a minute <@dyn> are you mrs. nismo? yes .. anyway...g2g again bye guys <@dyn> bye nismess I'm in love with the girl next door.... smell my fingers! She's been had several times before... smell my fingers <@Coolio> cant smell it while its in ur nose nerd.. Gada tu ktos po polsku <@dyn> wlam, no polskipolski in here oh yeah, you can feel the poland around, feel it in your nose, feel it in your lungs, feel it by the speed of your connection <+WebPheser> where's this smell comming from? * +WebPheser puts his shirt over his nose * +WebPheser feels muslim <+JENNY_LO> just tell me any command you know pls :)))))) <+ELwood> JENNY_LO: uhm... ./list is a good one * JENNY_LO (~Miss_Worl@ Quit (Max SendQ exceeded) <+ELwood> uhm <+ELwood> she tried list * osi (osi@c0re.hysteria.sk) has joined #english hello mr osiris :D <@osi_> it's the replica <+K_Cook> hehe.. sorry ;) not feeling so talkative atm ;D <@osi_> crouching headache hidden hangover? my machine, it starts again because a condition is bad. <@Platyna> The best way of repair windows is uninstall it. <+bouzo> NETKOJI : seen Bowling For Columbine? <+NETKOJI> bouzo: no <+bouzo> NETKOJI : download it NOW :P <+bouzo> if your fragile connection can handle it ;] <+Haggard6> well, i still don't know what's wrong in being a wanker <@bouzo> i wanted to call my dog honda and my cat suzuki <@bouzo> what i need is a babel fish <@^WiTcH^> what's babel fish? <@bouzo> it's a little fish that you stick in your ear <@^WiTcH^> are you crazy? <@bouzo> Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams <@^WiTcH^> why do you want to stick in your ear some fucking fish? <@bouzo> yea :) it translates sounds into understandable brainwaves, so i can understand polish finally <@todd> what's your phone number? ;) <@ged|net> 02088441814 <@ged|net> +0044 <@ged|net> thought that's in UK so don't ring it. although my mother loves dirty calls, she looks forward to them, she's a sick woman that mother o'mine * @todd calls <@todd> i'm gonna spank my brother until he calls himself the bitch he is <@tasha`> todd :) you're so nice :P <@todd> tasha`: he borrowed both my cars, parked them outside and went off to the airforce again for a week <@todd> tasha`: i just realized he left the window open on the old one, and all the doors open and the key lying in the seat on the new one <@todd> he is for sure not gonna borrow any of them again <+sex_male> hello you wanna do make sex with me ?i handsome very if you want i send you my piçture dyn is naughty fellla <@Chronoz> Fella? <@Chronoz> What does it mean? person <@Chronoz> What language is that? its slang in english <@Chronoz> I don't like using slang, that's why didn't know this one hehe slangs good in aussie <@Chronoz> In what? australia where i am <@Kreon> "thiers this hjuuuge crocodjiail!" * @todd undresses samuli with a shovel <+UndressMe> todd, that tickles! :D <@bouzo> damn this heat <@bouzo> it's all you whores with a car! fucking up my environment! *smoke* ;) * bouzo changes topic to 'Webcams: Watch other people have the life you wish you had.' <@^WiTcH^> <---- coffee <+Pheser> <-- green fernandez <@todd> <-- lazy ass <@tasha`> <---believes todd <@tasha`> my hands feel like silk from the damn lawnmower :P tash silky lady wanna mow my lawn:P <@tasha`> cheri time to stop feeling lazy and get moving don't you think ? I want a ride on mower so I can have a silky butt:P <@adminka> The one thing what is worth to live is DESTRYING and REMOVING. <@tasha`> ohh my bro is freaking out lol <@bouzo> why? :) <@tasha`> bouzo he's a picard thats why :P <@tasha`> thats my last name :P <@bouzo> what .. he's bald? <@tasha`> haha yeah actually <@bouzo> tell him that he'll be captain of a starship one day and he'll have to behave <@osi_> i might get a job at wednesday <@osi_> something related to gardening * @bouzo does sth also related to gardening * @bouzo smokes what he gardens, though ;> * +NETKOJI does nothing * @bouzo helps <+Elw00d> sweet <@raatoh> citizen, you ain't that much stud you can satisfy 2-> girls at the same night ;) <+citizen_> i could <@raatoh> even i, the great lover of women, wouldn't survive on that kinda mission :P <@tasha`> anyway after you've sucked a dick you'll never want to go back to pussy munching again :P * adminka is now known as tasha * tasha is now known as adminka <@adminka> You really looking silly with that `. <@tasha`> I've had it for years now * @raatoh makes a helicopter front of tasha :P <@tasha`> he's swirlling his willy around "Tonight, on Www.Gedye.Org.Uk : h0t l3sb14n m3n wh0 r 133t" * @bouzo is horny * @bouzo wants sex <@`ged|net> Well you can't cause I'm smoking <+todd> will one get global master flags by giving t-bo a blow job? why has nobody told me about that? <+sexy_boy> i turkish boy i want do phone sex my mobile number +90535 518 57 87 i send all my italian amateur pic (60) and my amateur video (6) if a girl show me her pussy in web-cam for only 10 sec. <+Trips_> chillin' and playin', just bought me a new toy :) <@osi_> none of those vibrating ones ? <@_RIPPER_> ive 12 inches cock long <@todd> ripper messed up the inch/cm calculations again <@Platyna> Haggard6: Go away! You perkele! * sellHaPpY has joined #english sorry i'm italian <@osi> can i call you my faithful follower <+Haggard6> osi: hmmm... okay * +Haggard6 follows osi to the toilet <@nismo> ace: some guy called wuschl was looking for you last night <@nismo> I think he was horny <@t-bo`> dont be shy.. touch my bum *sing* * +nismo touchs t-bos bum <+nismo> wow <+nismo> so firm <+nismo> :D <+nismo> do you work out? 1,7hello * sets sets mode: +v sister <+nb5> sister: No colors. <+sister> why? <+nb5> sister: Because they suck. <+sister> theme here? <@nismo-> the theme here is black and white <+Sarastro> i just came back from my friend's summer cottage <+Sarastro> 32 beers. Mission accomplished :> <@osi_> yeah it would be cool to be a woman in a sexy body <@osi_> no one would care what you'd say <+sh33p> and you can play with your titties all day <@Coolio-> but i got ill a bit later, for like, 2 minutes :) puked a little, then i went back to fucking ;) <@trip> you puked on the lady ? ;> <@dyn> brb <@dyn> gonna brush my eyes <@dyn> teeth * @dyn is tired <@prlwytz> yes indeed: there three kinds of men: small, medium and .... OHHHHH MY GOD!!!!! <@todd> i think i'm gonna go read <@^WiTcH^> todd: what are you going to read? <@todd> ^witch^: database systems - the complete book <+osi> todd, having trouble with insomnia ? ;> which part of "speak english" did you not understand? i not understend i banned <@nismo-> its the wrong hole but it feels so right! <@NETKOJI> you killed EnGL|Sh <@NETKOJI> :\ <@NETKOJI> bad people * @NETKOJI *cries* <@Platyna> Italian needed. <@Platyna> goodtrip! <@goodtrip> here i am :] !stevoo! $ DECKARD! I THINK IT'S TIME FOR DRUM PRACTICE! !Deckard! $ I think it's time for your ass to be invaded !stevoo! $ DECKARD! MOM IS CALLING! DRUM PRACTICE! BRING YOUR STICKS! <@nismo-> I ate some weird german cheesecake for breakfast and now my stomach feels funny <+Wonderi> a fruitcake ate a cheesecake <@Parente> i can be your little hero <@Parente> and gaave you some erotic pleasure <@Platyna-> You can be my little dinner. ;) * SaDDaM` has joined #english CiAuZ A TuTTi!!! * sets sets mode: +v SaDDaM` <+SaDDaM`> Thanx x il +v sets! <@Parente> ee <@Parente> ehehe * Parente sets mode: +b *!*DG_qq46Ck@*.pool80181.interbusiness.it * SaDDaM` was kicked by Parente ([ZT] go go go [Kick No. 19]) * SaDDaM` has joined #english CiAuZ A TuTTi!!! Parente your speak i-talian? * sets sets mode: +v SaDDaM` <+SaDDaM`> Thanx x il +v sets! <@Parente> aa * SaDDaM` was kicked by nasya (nasya) * SaDDaM` has joined #english CiAuZ A TuTTi!!! * nasya sets mode: +b *!*@host6-124.pool80181.interbusiness.it * SaDDaM` was kicked by mode (Banned) <@Parente> :) <@Parente> bye bye tutti <+NETKOJI> gosh <+NETKOJI> a hacker <@t-bo> I bet he couldnt hack his way out of a wet paper bag with a knife !Ferg! $ MORNING QUAKENET! !Starman! $ MOOO! !Ferg! $ only one person said morning to me, im hurt :( !Ferg! $ 20 mornings and one shut up im sleeping !Ferg! $ much better :) !ozzy^stus! $ this mornings stfu was brought to you by me <+AbsX> You find some nerdish humor urls ([+14,0] +5 Amusement)! <+AbsX> You advance a level! You're now a level 24 "CopyMaster" dark nerd urlpaster! <@Platyna> The best in Germany are dogs, in Finland Tupsumato, in Italy Rome and in Poland ME! <@tasha`> Oh Canadaaaa...are home and native land...true patriot love in all our sons command...with glowing heart blah blah blah blah <+|Bodzio|> eny body in this cannel wos pleing in ROGUE SPEAR ?? <+|Bodzio|> i dont cant good english <+|Bodzio|> im poland :D <+dyn> clap <+dyn> your <+dyn> HANDS! <+ace\aruu> \o/ <@nasya> *clap clap* * +dyn isn't clapping * +dyn is at school * +dyn would probably get expelled if he'd clap his hands <+adonis> ... reporting live from #english IRCnet <@Chronoz> Mandor, are you French? <+Mandor> yes, I am. <@Chronoz> I always thought you're Pole <+Mandor> eww. <+Mandor> stop insulting me will you? :P <@Mandor> finns take over the world? no way, they are too drunk to go out of their own home, so take over the world... :P <@nasya> Mandor, we can take over the world even if we're drunk :)) <@Mandor> nasya: no you can't, because when you will try to take over a country, you'll walk diagonally and end up invading the wrong country. ;) <@Mandor> and what if you end up in the sea when trying to go to France dyn? <@Mandor> you'll all die instead of taking over the world. <@Mandor> poor finns... ;) <+Nestan> I'M AN ALCOHOLIST, PARANOID IDIOT * @yossarian slaps nestan <@yossarian> we will cure u * @yossarian slaps nestan again <@yossarian> better now? <@Mandor> what kind of a medical visit was that is he didn't do any kinky stuff? :\ * Andre|-_- has joined #english 13Un 13Grosso 13Saluto a 13Tutto Il 13Canale < 7#english > * sets sets mode: +v Andre|-_- <+Andre|-_-> 1,7Grazie per il Voice sets8,1 IR5,1©8,1Simpson <@Mandor> bu: thats true, but when I'm here and I see an asshole, I can ban it. <+bu> Mandor, since when asshole = 'it' ? *g* <@Mandor> since when is an asshole a person? <@Mandor> did you give a name to your's? :P <@nismo> with all these gay nuori suomalainen around Im just gonna keep nasya and all the other teinipillu happy <@nismo> I <3 Finland <@nismo> spring is coming <@nismo> you better build a log cabin before your igloo melts <@Kreon> Well.. so the rain might be a little warmer <@nismo> and don't forget to feed the huskies <@nismo> haha <@nismo> lmao <@nismo> sorry pitkits <@nismo> I thought you were like 15 <@nismo> just seen your ii2 profile <@nismo> :D <+PitkiZ> yeah i thought you were 8 !Bazerka! $ Free loving available for whoever brings rounds some very crispy bacon sarnies, coz I'm starving <@marrus> :~~~~~~( <@marrus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~/o/~~~~~~<-- a lil man sinking in my tears :D !soFtis! EYE HURTNESS TEST - Please ignore! !Starman! $ MY EYES! !soFtis! $ Does a "sorry" help? !Deckard! $ you're quasi-evil... you're the diet coke of evil <@tash|awy> YOU CAN ALL SUCK MY DICK IF YOU DONT FUCKING LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!! <@^WiTcH^> tasha do you have dick??? <@^WiTcH^> wanna be first then <@tash|awy> sorry i was caught in a moment :/ <@dudee> bouzo, if you're planning a trip to Poland, learn three words: tak, nie and kurwa, you'll get far knowing them <@dudee> bouzo, you've been taught all your master has gained <@gryl> My clients are taking shit out of me because of our Intenret Connection hehe <@gryl> I am hiding from them since last monday :-P <@gryl> *g* <@_tricky_> 4k java game contest <@_tricky_> and my entry will kick ass <@_tricky_> 10 sprites... a fart of artificial intelligence/stupidity... and... drumdrumdrum... sound! :D <@t-bo> *** Ping timeout: MaryJane (lost 1 bot and 0 users) <@t-bo> aww <@t-bo> it died <+ged|net> *** Ping timeout: MaryJane (gone for more gear) <+ged|net> owwww I love finland and scandinavian countries for being so evolved, and japan for sick porn !Jaster! $ Woho, everyone, /msg olle Happy Birthday d00d! ... !Jaster! $ Ok, olle is fl00ded, could you please stop msg'ing him? ;-) <@Mandor> who unpluged the finnish wire again? <@fungi> who unplugged the european link ? <@todd> it was pirkka <@Tupsumato> phenomena <@n0life> that latvian is the queen of sarcasm <@Parente> call me The Chamberlain, His Incomparable Magnificence, Lord Parente. The Salient Slayer of Warsaw <@eSCe> GoodTrip ur ircin` in work again? <@eSCe> and they still haven't fired u <@nismo> how many non-finns try to learn your horrible language? * +superhero takes some clothes of * @dynamics closes his eyes <@dynamics> !age Platyna <+Platyna> age: permission denied <@dynamics> *hack, hack* <@dynamics> !age Platyna <+Platyna> age: permission denied <@dynamics> i shut down your firewall * @dynamics slaps Platyna gently with a denied permission <@dynamics> *hack, hack* <@Samuel^> thou shall bow in front of shit <@Samuel^> its the most precious thing ur body will ever build. * @Samuel^ is organic machinery of eternal flow *** Topic is 'http://www.cstretton.net/pics/christmas.jpg *<:o|)))' <+vampirelo> who speak polish??????????????? <@Mandor`> vampirelo, try /join #polish <@Mandor`> Here it's #english <@Mandor`> So like the topic dsoesn't say it because of this fucking Santa, here we talk english :P <@fungi> some food disappears without coming out :)= <@Samuel-> fungi it comes out but u just don`t mind it. <@Samuel-> some professors call it "shitting into ur pants" :P <@fungi> samuel: you have to observe your shit, so you can see how your body handles different kind of organic stuff <@Samuel-> fungi, u talk like a pro ;) * @Samuel- learns from the master <@fungi> my body is the holy temple of eternal flow :)= <@Samuel-> i`m learning how to analyse and respect my shit. woo-hoo :))) <@Haggard6> finnish - a language. of the snow folks <@Haggard6> the guys with mobile phones <@phenomena> Mandor, it's Jornt ,o) <@phenomena> the nerd king of all Dutch coders ,o) <+Boree> write me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4 <+psycx> I always use irssi in GNU/Linux <@gryl> 16:33:22 CTCP VERSION reply from psycx: mIRC v6.03 Khaled Mardam-Bey <@gryl> No shit ;) [03:23] <@Poizon> brb... getting breakfast :) <@raatoh> getting breakfest? WHERE THE HELL U LIVE? <@Poizon> Australia <@Poizon> and it's noon here <@Samuel^> no no, don`t bite it, it`s not a fucking banana, now is it? :) <@GeRi^> ohh.. it was so small that i tought it was <@Samuel^> what i really need is sex without my hand including in it. <@HOEBA> deutschalnd unter alles, deutschland hast von den Niederlanden verloren mit fussbal <@nismo> in England, we mix Finlandia with another drink called Redbull <+nb5> nismo: Sure, we've got red bull here to. Redbull+alcohol killed a few swedes. <@nismo> is that such a bad thing? <+Kreon> Holly Valance is here tomorrow :) <@nismo> lol <@nismo> that cold finnish air will make her nipples go hard <@nismo> excellent * nismo changes topic to 'Welcome finnish people to the #english igloo | park ur ski mobile outside' <@phenomena> 1st part of bible consists lots of violence and porn <@phenomena> we like that <@phenomena> 2nd is like hangover after 1st part Have seen The Rock (Sean Connor, Nicholas Cage) i have watched it so many times on video that my video casette tape broke :/ but luckily i got it fixed :-) <@nismo> I had the same trouble with Debbie Does Dallas cassette (Noin puoli vuotta) <@nismo-> my debbie does dallas tape is still stuck in my vcr <@suvi^> mine are made of natural gredients.. <@n0life> keep waiting, theyll gonna grow <@suvi^> who said they were small? * @_tracker_ farts <@_tracker_> upz :> <@t-bo> _tracker_ you smelly cunt :) * @t-bo opens the #english window <@Parente> Latvia Latvia uber aleees <@phenomena> i don't think it's uber alles - our highest peak's just bit 300 meters ,o) <+DeeBo^> been partying like hell, internet has been broken for a week or something too <@t-bo> eek, well at least there was partys :) * @tasha` goes and takes a pee :P * @t-bo watches * @tasha` makes sure her legs are open wide so t-bo can watch everything :PPP * @t-bo gets the camra <+Frenky> the Hungarian language is famous about cursing and swearing kate is quite pretty aint she nismo yeah shes ok would you kick her out of bed for farting ? im going to modd my house gonna put a 12m fan in the front and 2x6m ones in the back wind tunnel for the pc 12m fam is pretty big.... about 40 foot yeah lol take up the whole front of my house maximum airflwo watch the birds/kids/local animals they'll all be sucked in <^Jez-> my kilo of feathers is heavier than your 2lbs of cheese Tupsumato are you watching porn again ? its friday night my scandinavian friend switch off the porn and go and find some teinipulla uncle nismo's good advices <[MoNs]> ill give u some cookies :) with milk? <[MoNs]> mm dunno bout milk i want MY MILK <[MoNs]> cow is sleeping <[MoNs]> patience little one im trying so hard one time a guy wrote on his offspring cd with a normal marker he had 4,5 song left on it